Australian tree known as Cyathea cooperi, Cooper wood ferns, tree ferns and scaly tree fern Lacy. This is the popular choice of owners as an ornamental. While it is domiciled in Australia, it is found worldwide, especially in the tropics and subtropics. The shape of crown is formed by the arrangement of leaves of leaves, giving the tree a pleasing appearance. Taxonomic classification of the Australian tree fern can be given that
* Kingdom - Plantae
* Division - Pteridophyta
* Class - Fern
* Order - Cyatheles
* Family - Cyatheacae
* Gender - Cyathea
Physical Characteristics
Tree grows to a height of almost 15 meters and is used for houseplant indoor and outdoor vegetable gardening. Spiral arrangement of its leaves to give a stylish look. Wood is one of the highest body, which is about a foot in diameter. The body is covered with scales, a pattern cut into an oval. Foliage of the tree is evergreen in all seasons of the year and the other is not. Wood does not produce fruit or flowers. The most interesting feature of the physical structure of Australia's fern is unrolled by the appearance of his career at the top.
Tropical forests and streams are the natural habitat of the Australian tree fern. Therefore, the climate is more appropriate for the Australian tree fern is a moist environment. Even the dry climate is suitable for the tree, provided the soil is kept moist at all times. They can not tolerate too much sun and should be placed in shade or partial shade. The tree is fast growing and uprooting of native plants, forming dense. This is because the tree spreads its spores in a very fast pace, with the help of the wind and the trees are growing rapidly within a week or two. These spores grow on the undersides of the leaves.
Tree Care
As mentioned earlier, an Australian tree fern requires a very humid climate and / or the environment. Therefore, you must make sure not to dry the plant. Although the climate is humid, the soil should be watered regularly. The interior is also suitable for this type of fern. Australian tree fern can not tolerate changes in temperature and dry conditions. You can deal with the cold until the temperature of minus 3 degrees Celsius. Australian tree fern care, you must use a fertilizer that is balanced and you have to feed the plant at least two or three times a year. So you need to fertilize on a regular basis. Wood does not tend to suffer from deadly diseases, but may be affected due to termites and insects, which can be problems in the body. Tree fern Australian soil is moist and well drained. Put a tree, is set outdoors in a shady place, or if you want to put on the inside of the tank is put into an appropriate size.
Australian tree fern is very beautiful when fully grown. The tree is hardy, easy to grow and require much less maintenance and therefore allows one of the best ornamental trees for landscaping.